By: Dr. Beth Templin
High intensity exercise is not only safe for aging adults, but has more benefits than exercising at a moderate level of intensity. What’s the difference? By: Dr. Beth Templin If you've been following me for awhile, you know how much I think exercise should be a top priority in everyone's lives. The benefits are endless. From being able to take care of yourself, your home, your loved ones, to being able to get out and fully enjoy life.
By: Dr. Beth Templin When did the floor become such an intimidating place? For many of the older adults I speak to, the idea of being on the floor causes a range of emotions, from unease to outright panic. I rarely hear cheers of excitement or get high fives when I tell someone we are going to work on getting down on the floor for an activity. Why is this?
By Dr.Beth Templin
By: Dr. Beth Templin
When we think about exercises to strengthen the core, we often think about exercises like crunches or sit-ups. While those popular options can help to improve your core strength, they can sometimes be difficult or painful for people with back issues, or those who have trouble laying flat on their backs.
By: Dr. Beth Templin
As you age, you can lose 3-5% of your muscle strength each year. That may not seem like much, but when you think about 10 years, that's a 30% loss. Losing your muscle strength is part of the normal aging process, but how quickly it happens is directly related to how active you are.
By: Dr. Beth Templin
0steoporosis is a condition that is categorized by weakening of the bones in the body. Osteoporosis can lead to issues such as a loss of height and increased risk for fractures. One of the main goals of treatment is to reverse or lessen the loss of bone. That is why exercise is crucial to strengthen your body.
By: Dr. Beth Templin
Losing your endurance and your overall energy level is common as you age. We all experience some changes to our cardiovascular system, which are unavoidable. The important thing to remember is these losses are exacerbated more by lack of activity than by your true numerical age. By: Dr. Beth Templin At HouseFit, our entire mission is to help older adults stay healthy and active enough to continue living in their own homes and living the life they want to. At this time, the main concern for many is protecting themselves and preventing exposure to Coronavirus, which I fully support. It's one of the main reasons I decided to temporarily close our in-person care and do our part to help prevent
AUTHORDr. Beth helps adults 55+ maximize their independence and fitness, so they can continue to enjoy a full and active life. Archives
December 2024